Colorado Springs
Denver & Rio Grande Reds
Base-Ball Club

(Front Row: Stag, Whats Up, Scorpion Back Row: Mule, Hammer, Crush, Ginger, East Coast, Rambler - Arena Baseball Field)

Club Captain(s): John "Crush" Sumner & Ron "Iceberg" Billings
Ballists for the D&Rg Reds Club:
Ron "Iceberg" Billings
John "Crush" Sumner |
Alex "Hustler" Nunez
Ed "Not So Fast" Evans |
Brandon "Peanut" Heser |
Roger "Digger" Hadix
Kurt "Bread Basket" Beckers
Marc "Nilla Wafer" Canella |
Dave "Bad Debt" Canella
Clay "Sparky" Prater |
Caden "Dreamcicle" Billings
Chris "Catfish" Becker |
Ed "East Coast" Ghent
Michael "Mule" Garrett |
"Needles" Walker
Dave "What's Up" Dock |
Riley "Rambler" Limbaugh
Jeff "Thunderstruck" Matthews |
Daniel "The Hammer" Sinar
Ty "Meat" Walker |

D&Rg Reds Club Song
Oooh, We're the ballists from the Springs you hear so much about,
People stop and stare at us whenever we go out,
We're not a bit stuck up about the clever way we play,
We love our name, We love the game, and Here is what we say...
Oooh, As we go marching and the band begins to P-L-A-Y,
You can hear us shouting as D and R G Reds going marching by,
Whada we eat?!
Buffalo Meat!
Whada we drink?!

(1882 Colorado Springs D&Rg Reds)
