Contact Us
Colorado Vintage Base Ball Association
P.O. Box 2680
Denver, CO 80201-2680

Join the CVBBA
Membership in the CVBBA is open to all people interested in the
history of base ball. Persons who expect to be costumed participants (vote)
should seek a CVBBA Membership, which is $35 per year, $50 for Family Membership.
Players should be 15 years old or older. 15 to 17 year olds need parents consent.
**2023 Forms are here!**

Board of Directors
Commissioner |
Paul "Yank" Langendorfer |
Deputy Commissioner |
Grant "Ulysses" Saucier |
Secretary |
Michael "Mackerel" Morgan |
Treasurer |
Ron "Iceberg" Billings |
Member at Large
Brooke "Pockets" Langendorfer |
Member at Large |
Bob "Buckeye" Mitchel |
Member at Large |
Richard "Rube" Foster |

Captain of the Officials: |
N/A |
Captains of the Teams: |
Denver Blue Stockings
Michael "Mackerel" Morgan, Dathan "Cannibal" Tinney
The Denver & Rio Grande Reds
Ron "Iceberg" Billings & John "Crush" Sumner
Canon City InterOcean
Star BBC of Colorado Territory
Michael "Mackerel" Morgan, Dathan "Cannibal" Tinney

CVBBA Historian: |
Cooper "Soda Boots" Mikel
North: Dathan "Cannibal" Tinney
South: Ron "Iceburg" Billings
Uniform Manager: |
Cooper "Soda Boots" Mikel

Please email us at
Attn: Paul "Yank" Langendorfer

Web Admin
Cooper "Soda Boots" Mikel, Paul "Wheels" Harris
Team Seamstress