
2008 - Opening Day

April 12

Drew Wilkes Booth Frady, Match Reporter

A sunny but chilly day greeted your ballists and roughly 25 rooters for the opening ceremonies of the 2008 CVBBA season. With highs in the mid 40s the Denver Blue Stockings and Mastadon Mine Minstrels lined up and sang their respective team songs before their captains met with our illustrious arbiter for the day, Ferril Mad Dog Mason. The Minstrels won the stone toss and elected to take the field, allowing only one ace in the first frame and scoring one of their own to keep it even. Alas, the boys from the Mastadon Mine would not see the plate or ring the tally bell again until the 8th inning while the Blue Legs of Denver churned around the bases regularly tallying aces in all but the second. Final tally was Blue Stockings 17- Minstrels 5.

The Sox were led by Roger Digger Hadix with three aces and rookie Axel Nelson with three aces- two of which came on four baggers! Several others tallied twice. Many thanks to Mr. Mason for a well called game and to Cherokee Sharon Danhauer for scoring the match.

Fort Lupton Heritage Days

May 3 - Historic Fort Lupton Park

Wilkes Booth's Nine 23, Traveler's Nine 21

Deacon Massengill, Umpire and Match Reporter

The offensive star for Booth's nine was Booth himself, tallying 4 times, including two 4-baggers, including a game-winning 4-bagger in the bottom of the seventh inning. Hands also rang the bell four times, and all ballists scored at least once. For Traveler's Nine, son Cannibal tallied four times, while Wheels and Rowdy added three apiece. Likewise, every other ballist tallied at least once. I cannot remember a match where EVERY (all 20) ballist got to ring the bell. The morning and afternoon Rounders games were well played and attended. Some of the old timers recalled the game and younger ones joined in. In all three base ball matches, interpreters and spectators alike joined in hitting and fielding.

Superior Days

Town Nine Recreation Fields

On Saturday, May 17, Deacon Massengill may have “lost a sizeable wager, having expected youth to conquer experience on this day”, but was able to file the attached report (not available) noting in detail the contest between the Territorial All-Stars and Superior Swans.

Monthly Match, May 24

Central City Stars 9 vs. Berthoud Blues 7

Cañon City Western Heritage Days

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 5 vs. Cañon City Tenderfoot 3

Berthoud Days

Berthoud Blues Host Colorado Territorial All Stars

The final tally was All Stars 20, Berthoud Blues 11. A well attended and exciting game! Cranks and ballists alike enjoyed the true spirit of the national pasttime, with appropriate musical entertainment. Mark Stump French, a former Berthoud Blues ballist and current BHS President, ably umped the game, and several new players were initiated. Banker splintered a fine bat to toothpicks! Several suffragettes appeared near the 7th inning, which obviously pleased most of the crowd, given their propensity to open their wallets at the passing of the hat for the Berthoud Historical Society. A fine time had by all! - Cherokee Sharon, Tally Keeper

Grand Island Road Trip

Colorado Territorial All Stars won the 1st match vs. The Old Glories, I can’t remember the score exactly, something like 15-3. We split the squads for the second match and I’m not sure of the result. I was out of it because of the heat. Deacon has the scorecards. The other team that was supposed to show on Saturday cancelled out at the last minute. Rain on Saturday night flooded the field and the team we were supposed to play were called and told not to come. Highlight of trip: Lasagna dinner Saturday evening and Sunday breakfast, both at the Beye’s house. – Old Hoss Foster


Monthly Match, June 21

Central City Stars 11 vs. Denver Blue Stockings 4

The Central City Stars prevailed in this match as Rigger Mattis displayed daring base running skills that landed the Stars a few tallies. Dathan Cannibal Tinney tested the physical boundaries of earth rotation, balance, and the law of gravity as a base ball bat balanced upon his nose. See below. - I.B. Riter, Match Reporter

Cannibal Tinney performs his balancing base ball bat bravado. (no link)


Eagle - June 28

Tally-Keeper Deacon Massengill, offers this report (not available).

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 4, Eagle Merchants 0

Submitted 6 years after the fact by Old Hoss Foster. This match will go down as our finest defensive effort ever offered up buy the Association. The Eagle team was regularly made up of semi-pro and talented hard ball players that normally beat us by 20 aces. But not this day. Every player on the field turned in their best performances and made every single play in the field, including the play of the season by Tomcat Williamson. Tomcat was patrolling the outer garden when a shot was drilled 50 feet over his head in left. It hit the roof of a building that was about 375 ft from the plate and bounced high in the air and came down on an adjacent outer pipe and bounced again, into the hands of the waiting Tomcat, who never gave up on the play. The Merchants shared their brew in good sportsmanship in celebration of such a fine display of the National Game.

Independence Day in Firestone

Territorial All Stars 18 vs. Firestone Centuries 7

Westminster - Saturday, July 5

Saturday, July 5, All-Stars 10, Westminster Lightning Bolts 9

Deacon Massengill, the match's Tally-Keeper, filed this report (not available) detailing the various activities that took place not only between the Territorials and Bolts, but a confrontation between Umpire Fearless Foster and at least one septuagenarian suffragist. Please read his account with careful consideration so as not to inflame the local populace.


CVBBA Stat Leaders

Here are the stat leaders through the July 5 match (not available).



In a match that would’ve made Lou Saban [a football coach in the American Football League - Editor] proud, the Blue Stockings BBC of Denver and the Mastodon Mine Minstrels split the spoils in a 12-to-12 deadlock. Deacon Massengill, the match's Umpire, filed this report (not available)

Minutes from August 11 Board Meeting

Here are the minutes from the most recent board meeting as provided by Secretary Ed Phelan. (not available)


Berthoud Ice Cream Social & Match Cancelled

When everything else came together the much needed, but ill-timed rain has done us under. We went by the field at about three o'clock Friday & it was marginal. We could have played if it didn't rain anymore & the sun came out in the morning. Well, it then rained for another three & a half hours; at this point making the field far too sloppy & muddy to be safely playable. The forecast for Saturday is not much better. So it is with deep regrets that we are going to have to cancel the Ice Cream Social for this year. See you at Rockledge. -Traveller



Saturday, September 13, Berthoud Ice Cream Social, 10:00 a.m.

The monthly match in Broomfield on September 13th was rescheduled to Berthoud to replace the Ice Cream Social that was rained out in August. The ladies will have plenty of good home made ice cream.

Rockledge Match

This guy was at the Rockledge game and took some great pictures. –  http://charlie.zenfolio.com/p371721513

site no longer available 




Date Event Teams Location Time
March 15 Practice All Ballists Broomfield 10:30 a.m.
March 22 Practice All Ballists Broomfield 10:30 a.m.
March 29 Practice All Ballists Broomfield 10:30 a.m.
April 5 Practice All Ballists Broomfield 10:30 a.m.
April 12 Opening Day Denver Blue Stockings 17 vs.
Mastadon Mine Minstrels 5
MadDog Mason, Umpire
11 a.m.
Cherokee Sharon, Tally-Keeper
April 19 Ft. Logan Clean Up Day All Ballists Ft. Logan 10:00 a.m.
April 26 Monthly Match
Central City Stars vs. Berthoud Blues Broomfield 11:00 a.m.
May 3 Ft. Lupton Heritage Days Wilkes Booth's Nine 23 vs. Traveler's Nine 21 Ft. Lupton
Deacon Massengill, Umpire
High Noon
Unknown Spectator, Tally-Keeper
May 17 Superior Days Colorado Territorial All-Stars 17 vs. Superior Swans 14 Superior
Traveler Tinney, Umpire
High Noon
Cherokee Sharon, Tally-Keeper
May 24


Monthly Match


Central City Stars 9 vs. Berthoud Blues 7

Wilkes Booth Frady, Umpire

11:00 a.m.

May 31

Cañon City Western Heritage Days

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 5 vs. Cañon City Tenderfeet 3

Centennial Park
Old Hoss Foster, Umppire

1:00 p.m.
Steve Long Gone Long, Tally-Keeper

June 7

Berthoud Days

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 20 vs. Berthoud Blues 11

Mark Stump French, Umpire

3 p.m.
Cherokee Sharon, Tally-Keeper

June 7

Grand Island

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 15 vs. Old Glories 3

Grand Island, Nebraska
Sassy Beye, Umpire

High Noon
Peg Mason, Tally-Keeper

June 7

Grand Island

Digger's Nine 18 vs. Tumbleweed's Nine 4

Grand Island, Nebraska
Sassy Beye, Umpire

Central Time
Rachel Morris, Tally-Keeper

June 21

Monthly Match Central City Stars 11 vs. Denver Blue Stockings 4 Broomfield
Multitudinous Behinds, Umpire


11:00 a.m.
Hey You Mattis, Tally-Keeper


June 28

Eagle Colorado Territorial All-Stars 4 vs. Eagle Merchants 0 Eagle
Traveler Tinney, Umpire
High Noon
Deacon Massengill, Tally-Keeper

July 4

Firestone Colorado Territorial All-Stars 18 vs. Firestone Centuries 7 Firestone
MadDog Mason, Umpire
1:00 p.m.
Deacon Massengill, Tally-Keeper

July 5


Colorado Territorial All-Stars 10 vs. Westminster Lightning Bolts 9

Fearless Foster, Umpire

10:00 a.m.
Deacon Massengill, Tally-Keeper

July 19

Monthly Match

Mastadon Mine Minstrels 12 vs. Denver Blue Stockings 12

Deacon Massengill, Umpire

10:00 a.m.
Cherokee Sharon, Tally-Keeper

August 2

Silt Hey Days

Colorado Territorial All-Stars vs. Silt All Stars


High Noon

August 16

Berthoud Ice Cream Social & Match
rescheduled to September 13 due to weather

Colorado Territorial All-Stars vs. Berthoud Blues


10:00 a.m.

September 1

Rockledge Ranch

Camp Creek Cloudbusters 8 - Colorado Territorial All-Stars 1

Colorado Springs
Deacon Massengill, Umpire

1:00 p.m.
Steve Long Gone Long, Tally-Keeper

September 13

Berthoud Ice Cream Social & Match

Colorado Territorial All-Stars 24 vs. Berthoud Blues 6


10:00 a.m.

September 28

Walker Ranch
Digger Hadix, Field Announcer

Walker Ranch Boys 13 v. Colorado Territorial All-Stars 9

Deacon Massengill, Umpire

1:00 p.m.
Cherokee Sharon, Tally-Keeper

October 4

Closing Day

* * *


10 a.m.

November 1


CVBBA Members & Guests

C.B. & POTTS Westminster

6:30 p.m.


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